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Charmwood Academy Page 18
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Page 18
She stayed by Josh when he was around, but when he was busy with his own studies or whatever he was up to, she was left alone to hide around corners and crouch behind plants. She wasn’t sure why exactly she wanted to avoid them, but she knew she needed a way to get her mind cleared up. She had to make sense of everything that had happened, and her studies weren’t helping much. She couldn’t concentrate if Kelyn and her friends were around. It was easier if they weren’t, so she could focus and not have to talk about any of it.
Still, she felt the loneliness stabbing her heart at knowing that she was practically friendless at this point. She had Josh and Sherice offering a place in her little prison hole, not somewhere she wanted to be. There was nothing wrong with Josh of course, she just couldn’t tell him things she could’ve told Kelyn. There were moments where she actually considered running back to Kelyn, to tell her the latest news on the development of her relationship, but then she would be reminded she wasn’t talking to her and a slap in the face would happen all over again. Being without someone to talk to was the loneliest part of it all.
As she shut the door, the flyer hanging on the mirror caught her eye once again and her heart fluttered once more. The Equinox Dance. It was tonight, when the fall moon would take play in the sky, nonetheless. It was supposed to magical, pun intended. It was obvious who was going with who, the couples had instantly starting chatting about when the posters had gone up just weeks before. Emma had barely noticed with her own studies, too involved to care much about a silly dance. Besides, what was she supposed to wear? The sundress she’d once borrowed from Kelyn and forgotten to return? Well, she hadn’t exactly asked for it back, that was for sure. Or was she supposed to wear her uniform? Yes, why not make herself more a laughingstock of the school then she already was by wearing her school uniform to a dance that all the girls would have the most elegant dresses on, and the boys clad in the most expensive of suits. That would so well, wouldn’t it?
No, she didn’t care. Until her uncle brought it up just a few days previously in one of their lessons. She had tried to brush it off, told him she was not concerned about, but then he brought up Josh. He had been watching and easily found out who she had been seeing, it wasn’t that difficult when every waking moment she got with him, Emma was clinging to Josh. All the teachers saw and they no doubt talked. So even if he hadn’t personally been watching, he got the news by mouth. Her uncle was concerned, especially since Josh had a record from his old school and was worried he would draw Emma into the wrong type of crowd. She had to assure him that she was a big girl and could take care of herself. She had deliberately not mentioned how crazy she was for the guy though and was secretly disappointed at the time that she wouldn’t be able to go to the dance with him and feared it would ruin them for good.
Until he offered to buy her a dress. Now that had definitely been a surprise to her. She refused, not wanting to take his money, but two days later – a dress lay on her bed. She had hung it up, refusing to look at it in fear that she would somehow mess it up. That would be her luck, taking it out just to look at it and mess it up by an ink spill or drop it in something. She would be the one to do it. So instead, she let it hang in her closet and confirmed going to the dance with Josh.
His face when she had announced she did want to go wouldn’t leave her memory. A grin had split across his face, happier than she’d seen him in a while for any news. He was thrilled to get to go to the dance and had explained that in his old school, he had usually taken “stags” to the dance. Girls who had no dates and he found wandering in the halls after getting ready. Girls he was never really interested in and ended up having them following him for the next month or so in the hopes he would ask them to date them or something. He never did. So, having an actual date was exciting for him and going to an actual dance was exciting for Emma.
She just wouldn’t tell her uncle that. Not for a while anyways. She wanted him to boil in the pot for a while, to try and make up for lost time – although could never exactly get caught up, not really. He could try to make up for it, but the damage had been done a long time ago.
Her fingers brushed over the plastic covering the dress, trembling slightly in excitement. She had never been to something that required such an elegant dress in her entire life before. She had never stayed anywhere long enough to attend a dance except a couple times and those times she never attended them. She didn’t have friends to go with and definitely no guy asked her. This was a first on all levels and to say she was nervous was an understatement for sure.
A knock at her door made her jump, looking at it hesitantly. If it was Kelyn and she answered, she would be forced to answer questions she wasn’t ready to. The knock pounded again, more urgent this time, demanding she open it, but still Emma stood still, staring at it.
“Emma, you in there?” Her uncle’s voice called, and relief stammered in her heart.
She moved forward, pulling open the door to her uncle and he held out a small basket to her. “My assistant said you might like these to add to your dress.” He cleared his throat, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
He was very clearly not good with any of this. Emma reached up, thanking him beneath her breath and watched him leave back down the stairs before she closed the door and looked into the small wired basket. Tears welled up in her eyes, lips pressed together as she blinked rapidly to make them go away before they could ruin what little makeup she did have on at the moment. The brooches in the basket were beautiful, flowers the color of the peach dress she was meant to wear. They would hold her hair up perfectly and go well with the dress, just as her uncle had said – his assistant really. But it was so sweet of him to bring them. She guessed his assistant had probably had to talk him into doing it himself, but the fact she was able to convince him made her heart swell.
At least he’s trying. It was a plus for sure.
She set the small basket down on her dresser and set the dress on the bed, unzipping it with trembling hands. Laughter echoed up the stairs, making her pause in what she was doing. Her eyes flashed to the door, her heart squeeze before it dropped in her stomach. She’d heard about the little get together Sherice had thrown together for the girls in their dormitory building. A little party to get ready together – invitation only, however. She hadn’t been invited, no surprise. It reminded her of just how lonely she was. Kelyn still had friends to do her hair and makeup no doubt, she had the shifters in her own common room. She was probably with them now, gushing about one another’s dresses and helping with their hair and makeup. Emma wasn’t as naïve as people made her out to be. She saw things others probably didn’t pay much attention to. Like the fact that Kelyn did in fact have other friends and Emma wasn’t her only one. That was the difference between them. Emma literally had no one to help her.
Her mother would’ve, if she was still around. Thinking of her, her heart stammered, and she had to push the thoughts of the woman from her mind, stamping them out in desperation to not fall into a messy puddle at the moment. If she did that now, there was no way she’d get ready in time for the dance and Josh was expecting her. So, she pulled all her clothes off and took the silky dress in her hands and pulled it over her head, letting it glide down her body. She felt like she was floating in the thing and not in the way because it was too big or anything. In fact, it fit like a glove, snug in all the right places and let her be able to move around for the rest of the right places.
Emma felt like a princess and it had been so long since she’d felt that way. So many years ago, and that was only from costumes that littered her closets, ones she’d had to give away after a while because they took up too much room in the car when moving. She really hoped her uncle didn’t ask for this back. Because even if she never got to wear it again, she could at least keep it for the memories and if he kept to his promise, come summer holiday she would have a place to hang it and let it stay, able to return to it every holiday. That would be a wish come true.
shes coming true, a Princess dress to wear, who knew fairytales could actually exist?
Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Emma turned around, turning her head to be able to watch herself, noticing the glimmer in her eyes she had never seen there before. She had noticed herself happy before, because of actually having a friend and a boyfriend (secretly to herself that’s what she called him, but she didn’t say it out loud – she didn’t want to accidently freak him out by labels voiced), but this was a whole different happiness. She felt a peace she hadn’t felt before. Something that told her she was finally making headway in life, something she had never thought possible. All her life she had just wanted somewhere stable to stay, to make something of herself, to be somebody instead of the disappearing act.
She had that now and the glow was showing all too clearly and she didn’t want to hide it.
Picking up her makeup bag, she laid out the appropriate makeup and leaned towards the mirror. Again, the laughter drifted up to her. She grimaced, but breathed out through her nostrils, trying hard to not give in to the loneliness that squeezed her insides. More laughter reached her ears, but she focused on applying her makeup and doing her hair, determined to not let her night be ruined. So, what if she didn’t have any friends to share this with? That shouldn’t matter to her/ She had a hot guy, one of the hottest guys in school waiting to escort her on his arm into the dance.
Girls swooned at him and threw dagger glares in her direction, jealousy at its finest. They hated the fact she was with Josh. The odd girl, the magicless mage, the one who blew things up and blasted people. How could a girl like her get a guy like him? It didn’t make sense, even to her, but she was happy about it and it excited her to see none of them were. Oh well, their loss was not her concern.
Putting her finishing touches on, she examined herself to make sure it was aligned and once satisfied, smoothed out her dress with a deep inhalation of breath, letting it out slowly. One more primp to her hair to make sure the brooches were in line properly; she opened the door. The area was quiet by this point, void of the giggly girls, but when she reached the bottom of the steps there was enough evidence to tell her she hadn’t been imagining things. Hair accessories, pieces of cloths, straightening and curling irons, the works were all strewn about. There was even glitter sparkling in the air, mass amounts of girl accessories to declare there had been somewhat of a party taken place in here. They hadn’t bothered cleaning up after themselves.
Emma wrinkled her nose in disgust, shaking her head. She knew if she had been part of the little party, that she would’ve helped in making the mess as well and left it behind as well. She knew she would’ve loved being part of it, but that wasn’t how things were – not now anyways. She had to deal with what she was dealt. She played her cards, and this was what she had ended up with.
The dress glided beneath her, the silk rubbing against her skin delicately. Once again, she was reminded of floating in clouds. Her uncle, probably his assistant, had picked well for her. Just the thought of him considering her was enough to make her forgive him for not being the one to actually do it. Leaving the common room, her eyes flitting towards the stairs that would lead up to the upper floors where the shifters were at, she turned herself in the opposite direction and headed for the stairs that would lead her out. She knew to go to the Dining Hall, it was all everyone talked about, excitement about what kind of directions would be up this year. The Dining Hall was apparently used for all occasions; orientation for the first years, graduation for those leaving at the end of the year, and all dances. There were probably more occasions, but those were the major one’s people seemed to love to talk about.
Her heels echoed on the stone steps, one of the most glorious sounds she had heard in a long time. Because they were hers and added to eloquence of the night. Her fingers brushed along the walls, taking in every bump and cracks that thumped along her hand. She hummed to herself, head swaying gently as she did so. She could feel that familiar tingling in the tips of her fingertips, the tingles that had swept up her spine when crossing the border into the campus that first day.
Her heart was racing, making her palms clammy in nerves. Her stomach twisted, butterflies trying to flutter around the knots the closer she got to the doors. This was it, entering into the world as a Princess. What was she supposed to expect once doing so? This all seemed so surreal, but her feet knew what to do as they kept moving forward, guiding her to the door and out them. The brisk air swept over her face, caressing her burning flesh. She drew in a sharp breath, momentarily closing her eyes to bask in the moonlight that glimmered down on her, seeming to shine as if just for her.
“You look beautiful.” His voice rang in her ears.
Her eyes opened and she looked down the steps, the grin splitting across her face at the dressed up Josh Hinley. He was even more so then when they had gone on their first date. He shuffled his feet, holding a plastic box up to her that she was sure was her corsage. She tilted her head in a slight bow and began to descend the steps, holding on edge of the skirt up as she moved slowly towards her Prince Charming.
Who ever said fairytales couldn’t exist obviously didn’t believe in magic?
It felt as if all eyes had landed on them when they entered. Maybe they didn’t, but Emma could’ve sworn they had with how high in the clouds her head was. If it had been in a realm where her mother had introduced her to this kind of life, she probably would’ve been the center of attention with whoever she entered with. But this wasn’t then and in the back of her mind, she knew they weren’t the center of attention. But she could pretend, just for one night, couldn’t she? When her eyes landed on Sherice and Drake, who had arrived sometime before them, the two looked outraged to see them. Their arms were interlocked, back together as the gossip went. Both royally ticked they were still together though. She knew Drake had a thing for her, maybe it was because she refused to acknowledge him or wasn’t interested or whatever but seeing them together really did surprise Emma. Rumors were that they did this sort of thing all the time. They were the on and off type of relationship couple. So, it shouldn’t have surprised her seeing them together, but for some strange reason it did. Instead of glaring back however, Emma lifted a hand and waved at them, giving them a small smile.
They turned away, Sherice rolling her eyes, but not before Emma didn’t miss the look of jealousy that she shot in Josh’s direction. She was no different than the rest of the girls, jealous that Emma had Josh and she didn’t. Why though didn’t make sense. She had her boyfriend, there was no reason to be jealous. Maybe it was just because Sherice didn’t have all the guys she wanted under her spell, begging to be with her. Josh was immune to her and it no doubt infuriated her. That was probably what the jealousy was all about – because she couldn’t take everyone away from Emma.
Now only if she had a tiara, the night truly would be that of a magical fairytale come to life. A girl could wish though, right?
As they entered further into the dining hall, her eyes took in the changes that had been made to it in just the few hours since lunch that very afternoon. Her eyes widened at the glorious sights. What looked like golden glitter rained down from the ceiling, but it never reached a single head. Of course, it didn’t, the girls would probably all start freaking out if their precious hairdos were messed up. There was an arch that curved towards the middle, more so looking like it had once belonged to trees – to nature and when Emma tried to see the endings she was convinced that they grew from beneath the ground and up to the ceiling. There was no evidence of roots or stances. But she had to remind herself this was all played by magic, of course there wouldn’t be any evidence. They probably did grow from the ground and twisted upwards to the ceiling and curved towards one another, their edges tipping. From the middle of the arch was another sprinkling of glitter, this one silver in color.
Where the tables usually sat, instead were small round ones placed with an assortment of refreshment
s and snacks. The room was dimly lit, giving a low glow to the people who mingled about, their faces shining when the light hit them right. Where the usual buffet sat, instead was a stage with instruments waiting in place on it. Her breath was taken away by the beauty that surrounded her and Emma couldn’t help but stop to admire it all, afraid that if she blinked it would all disappear.
Josh was pulled back when she stopped and looked over his shoulder, confused by the sudden stop. His mouth twitched at the sight of awe on her face and drew backwards so her arm wasn’t stretched awkwardly out. “It isn’t as beautiful as you.” He complimented and chuckled when a blush flushed across her cheeks.
Emma’s eyes shifted to Josh. “I love it.” She breathed, glancing around just one more time for effect. “This is the best ever. I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on these.”
“Well, if you stick with me, you won’t ever have to miss out on another.” Josh paused and then reached for her free hand, pulling her in front of him. “Come with me.”