Charmwood Academy Page 19
Her feet moved accordingly without so much pulling from him, eager to follow and swallow in as much as she could. She couldn’t stop looking everywhere that she passed, excited and in heaven the entire time. He led her to the end of the room where the windows should’ve been and spun her around, wrapping an arm around her waist before planting a kissing on her lips. She gasped in shock, not having expected the sudden kiss, but didn’t push him off. Instead her arms laced around his neck and embraced it, kissing him back just as eagerly as he felt him kissing her.
When he pulled back, he was grinning again, eyes shining and glanced up. “Now they know you’re definitely mine.”
She giggled, feeling the heat creep up her cheeks and shyly glanced around, couples looking away in respect, and girls who had been pining after him pouting, their arms crossed. There were even a couple guys looking at them enviously, ones she’d never noticed before and briefly wondered if they’d had their eyes set on her or were more for him instead. Either way, she felt fluster by the way he had publicly claimed her but excited at the same time and it all made her head spin.
As she stood up straight, she gazed around once again, but this time it wasn’t see the majestic directions. Her smile slightly faded. “I wish Kelyn could see me.” She said aloud, not thinking of her own words that pooled from her mouth.
“Who the shifter?”
Emma threw him a cross look, pursing her lips. “Her name is Kelyn.”
Josh sighed, intertwining their fingers. “I really love how carrying you are, Emma, I truly do. That’s one of the things I absolutely admire about you. But you’ve obviously been avoiding her for a near week now. Something happened and frankly, it’s a good thing. Shifters and mages don’t mix well. And besides, I really never understood how you could get along with her when she obviously isn’t your familiar. It’s a good thing you two stopped being friends. You can make better friends, have more of a chance now.”
She blinked, looking at his with furrowed eyebrows. She opened her mouth to retort but then rethought her words and shut them again. Clearing her throat, Emma shook her head. She could deal with all this tomorrow. She didn’t want to ruin her perfect night. While she didn’t agree with Josh said, it was not going to be the cause of her perfect night gone downhill. Low music started playing, a slow song that gradually ascended in volume.
“Care to dance?” He questioned but didn’t wait for her answer as he took her hand, pulling her to the dance floor.
She stumbled, fumbling on where to put her hands, but his guided them easily before he placed one of his on her hip and took her hand in his, spinning her gently in the middle of the floor.
“You really are stunning tonight, you know that?” He said softly, his eyes down on her.
She nodded. “You’ve told me.” The words weren’t the same though, there an edge to them she realized too late was there.
Inwardly she flinched, hoping he wouldn’t notice, but the curve of his lips going down told her he had.
“You can’t possibly be mad at me for what I said, are you? We just started.” He chastised, annoyance flickering in his eyes. “I was being honest, Emma. Isn’t that what a good boyfriend does? Be honest to his girlfriend?”
Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Her heart fluttered at the labels, her knees going weak. She swallowed roughly and nodded, dipping her head slightly as if peering down at her feet to make sure she was moving them correctly. Well, she partly was so it wasn’t exactly a lie in the movement.
“You’re better off without her, Emma.” He continued, but his voice was much softer this time, trying to keep the blow from hitting hard, as if the softness of his tone would cushion them. “She isn’t your familiar, you don’t need to worry about her.”
Emma suddenly pulled away, leaving air between them and the two stopped dancing as she made them part. “I need to use the restroom. I need to freshen up.” She said in a slightly choked voice, unsure why she was suddenly so hurt by his words that he had continued to speak.
She hadn’t wanted to start anything. She hadn’t wanted to get into an argument over this, but he had persisted on continuing and the only way she saw fit for him to stop was to excuse herself for a minute break, one where she wouldn’t be able to lash out on him. Dipping through the crowd, which was a lot tougher then when arriving as more people had milled inwards, she finally broke through and found her way to the bathroom. With trembling fingers, she smoothed out the skirt of her dress and stepped in front of a mirror, leaning towards it to check her makeup. She could see her eyes glittering in the way they did when she wanted to cry, but she quickly batted them, pushing them aside. Her makeup was too perfect tonight, she didn’t want it to get ruined. Straightening the brooches that had slightly gone crooked, Emma pulled away and took in a deep breath, exhaling slowly before stepping towards the door. She suddenly didn’t feel like a princess anymore. The euphoria was starting to evaporate, and she was coming down from the high.
It left a pretty crummy feeling behind. Like when you decide that you could eat an entire bag of chips in one sitting and afterwards your stomach couldn’t stop hurting. That’s how she suddenly felt, as if her stomach had been pumped with a bag full of chips she was regretting and making her feel the need to go poop. Even though she knew she didn’t have to.
Stepping out of the door, head down, her body slammed into another. She staggered back from the impact and looked up quickly to apologize, her mouth falling open instead.
“Kelyn.” She squeaked.
“Emma.” Kelyn blushed, straightening herself from nearly having fallen down as well. “Hey. Oh wow- “she gushed, eyeing Emma up and down. “You look amazing.”
Emma nodded like a bobble head, her tongue flicking over her lips as she looked at Kelyn’s periwinkle dress that swayed out from the hip and down. “You do too.” She cleared her throat and rushed on with her words before she could be stopped. “I’m sorry. Really, I am. I just needed some space to think about – you know, everything.”
Kelyn nodded fervently. “I get it, I really do.” She smiled at Emma. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you to.” Emma admitted and held her arms out for a hug, guessing this was when friends did it – when they made up after a fight of some kind.
Though, it hadn’t really been a fight. Emma had just gone on an avoiding spree was all. Still, Kelyn stepped forward, latching her arms around Emma and hugged her tightly. When she pulled back, Kelyn paused, and then pressed her lips to Emma’s. Emma gasped, instantly yanking back, staring at her in shock.
“Oh my god, the Pet is in love with Charmwood!” Sherice cheered, laughing hysterically at what she had just witnessed.
The two girls turned to her, staring at Sherice who stood just feet from them, eyes glittering in glee. “You are so ruined.” She cackled and spun on her heel, scuttling back into the dining hall to spread what had just happened.
“I am so sorry.” Kelyn gasped, her hands flying over her mouth. “I don’t know what came over me, I am so sorry.”
Emma stared at Kelyn, too shocked to speak, barely registering anything that had just happened. Kelyn squeaked and turned on her heel, running into the crowd. Emma blinked and as if hit by a flying ball, she came back to her senses.
“Kelyn!” she shouted and took off after the girl, shoving her way through the crowd. “Kelyn, wait!” She shouted, but the noise level was too loud for her little voice to get over.
She shoved at people larger than her, squeezed between others, and had to literally pry groups apart just to get through. Some were so large; she couldn’t find a way around them. Her feet slipped beneath her multiple times and during her running, she was certain she most likely tore a few places of her dress. If she did, she was going to be so disappointed later on, but at that moment she was just trying to find her friend. And coming up empty handed. Laughter milled around her and she was shoved backwards, falling into a pit of people who pushed her back up. She twirled on her heels, the sight b
efore her spinning and making her dizzy. The haze of the room seemed to be growing thicker the longer it took for her to try and get through the crowd. Was it possible it was growing thicker with each person she passed by? She wouldn’t doubt it, that was for sure.
Finally, when she was just about to lose all hope at getting out and ever finding anyone she actually knew again, she broke free and stumbled into a small clearing.
“Kelyn!” She gasped, her friend right smack in the middle.
“Oh, just in time for the show Charmwood!” Drake called, jeering in laughter that was followed by others.
Emma’s gaze snapped up to him, seeing the grin flashing a full set of teeth. Sherice was on his side, clapping in excitement as she bounced in her heels. Emma’s gaze fell back to her friend, who was standing in fear right in the middle of the clearing. Emma moved forward, reaching out to grab her friend’s hand, clasping it just as Drake stepped forward, glaring at Emma.
“Don’t do that Charmwood.” He growled, a warning in his tone.
“Leave her alone, Drake. She isn’t bothering you.”
“I said – don’t do that.” Drake snapped his fingers and two pairs of hands wrapped themselves around Emma’s shoulders, pulling her back. Try as hard as she could, her fingers slipped from the grip she had on Kelyn, her body twisting as she was pulled away. “You’re nothing but the Shifter’s Little Bitch, aren’t you? No wonder you’ve been avoiding her. Oh, don’t look like that, we’ve all seen it. How you haven’t wanted to be around her and suddenly the instant she pops her face up, you do her bidding by being by her side.” Drake rolled his eyes and stepped up to Emma, glowering down at her. “Nothing but a Shifter’s Little Bitch. No surprise there.” He snickered.
Emma twisted again, kicking back at the goons who had her, but it did her no good at her tiny feet did nothing to hurt them. They only chuckled in amusement at her. Turning away from Emma, Drake moved towards Kelyn and in the instant, he was no longer facing her, Kelyn’s eyes shot up and met Josh’s. His caught hers and quickly looked away, shame sparking momentarily in them. Shame because of her or because he was doing nothing to help her? Her heart leapt, skipping a beat and she felt the urge to scream at him. Wasn’t it his duty as a boyfriend to step in at this point and demand her release or something like that? Her throat seared as she held back the scream, tears budding in the corners of her eyes but, thankfully, they never arrived.
Drake cupped Kelyn’s chin, yanking her head back, forcing her to look up at him, his head slightly tilted to the side. For a moment, he was quiet as they stared at each other and then he drew slowly back. He lifted a finger and motioned for her to move towards him, which she did, her eyes solely on him. Her eyes were glazed over, the same as the man in the town that Drake had used. It snapped in Emma’s mind just then – Drake was using his mind tricks on her. She twisted, kicking back harder, her body flailing to get free.
“Kiss me.” Drake demanded, glowering down at Kelyn. “Kiss me you stupid little – “
Emma hurled forward, spitting out the taste of the goon who had been holding her, having bit him to be the only successful way to be released. She barreled into Drake and launched at Kelyn, grabbing hold of her arm. Drake staggered back, a string of curse words exploding from his mouth.
“Punch her!” He said loudly, demanding.
Kelyn’s arm flashed back, and her fist connected with Emma’s face, a crunching emitting in the sudden silence. She flew back from the impact, not realizing how strong Kelyn truly was and fell to the ground as she felt the gush of blood flowing from her mouth. She groaned, turning to get on her hands and knees and pushed herself up to a standing position. Her eyes glanced around, desperately trying to find someone to help. But they could only stand there, watching. Disapproval flashed across some faces, but they too were doing nothing to help. Was she really the only one with enough guts to stand up to this guy? There had to be more, didn’t there? Her eyes fell back on Josh, who was looking at her in horror, his mouth slightly agape. His eyes flashed to the blood pooling out of her mouth and to her eyes. He took a slight step forward and she knew it was mostly out of the desire to help her, but panic crossed his face and he withdrew, drawing back to his spot, if not further away from her.
“Why don’t you meow for me, little kitty?” Drake taunted and laughed as Kelyn began to do exactly as she was told.
The onlookers who approved of the treatment at hand laughed, but Kelyn saw those who shifted uncomfortably, looking at the girl in pity, but were nothing to help. Anger burned embers in the pits of her stomach, smoldering upwards. Her fingers twitched and she saw red at the edge of her vision.
“Come on kitty, down on all fours.” He said in a baby voice, laughing hysterically when Kelyn dropped, acting like a cat and began to rub all over his legs. “Oh, look who the good kitty is.” He sang.
Laughter rang in her ears and in front of her face she saw the jeering crowd, no longer able to see those who actually disapproved. All she could see in her vision was those who were finding this the most hilarious thing in the world, heads thrown back, arms gripping stitches in the side from all the laughter. There were even a few doubled over.
“Now be an even better kitty. Kitties don’t wear clothes, do they?” Drake sang and Emma’s heart seemed to stop cold. “Take your clothes off.” He demanded.
Kelyn rose to her feet, reaching up to start with one arm, pulling it through and dropped it at her side and began to reach up for the other. Emma’s eyes flashed to Josh, who was watching in horror and disapproval, his head shaking in pity, but he kept rooted to his spot. The red clouded her vision, it was all Emma could see at this point. The embers burst with fire inside of her, heating every vein within her.
“STOP!” She shrieked at the top of her lungs.
POP! Screams emitted as the lights busted, shards of the glass spraying over the student body, hurling towards them as the room snapped into pitch blackness. Emma felt the shards cut at her flesh – her arms, her legs, even her face. Wherever was exposed they cut at. She could hear running feet, some people even slammed into her, teetering her backwards. She stumbled a few paces, but righted herself out, her gaze staring forward in the direction Kelyn had been. That had to have stopped the spell, didn’t it? She couldn’t move though, to shocked by what she had just done. Cries of pain echoed in her ears. Screams and shouts for partners trying to find one another became a mingled mess in her mind. She was jostled around, pushed about, and still, she couldn’t move on her.
“Emma?” His voice rang above all them, despite the cacophony of noise roaring in her ears. “Emma, where are you?”
She could answer, she knew she could, but she didn’t. She let him yell, let him search for her blindly in the dark. While the flashing yellow dots evaporated from her sight, she heard his voice again, desperate to find her, his voice a choked-up mess. Still, she didn’t respond. He hadn’t helped, he’d only looked onwards, just like the rest of them. He didn’t deserve to find her. Let him think she was dead from an impalement of light shards for the time being. Let him learn his lesson. It would serve him right for standing by and allowing what had just happened to happen.
“Emma?” He sounded closer now and her head turned slowly to the direction his voice came. “Emma where are you?” He choked out and she could’ve sworn he was crying.
Maybe he was, but he deserved it. She moved back an inch, feeling a warm liquid rush down her forehead and knew she had been speared there as well. She ignored that as well, turning her head back where she had been staring at Kelyn.
“Emma?” He sounded further away now, moving away in the hopes she had gotten out the door.
She couldn’t feel anything except the driblets of blood dropping from her flesh. She was jostled by another round of students scurrying to get out and then something hard hit her, knocking her to the ground. She blinked a few times, listening to the dull thuds of footsteps pounding around her. Her head rolled, fi
ngers twitching and then it dropped. She could feel her eyelids beginning to close, drawing her towards an even blacker world then she was already in, one that was silent and deadly.
Emma? Emma, Emma, Emma, EmmaEmmaEmma…
Her name echoed in her mind, spinning around and around. It reminded her of the time she had tried to run away when she was seven in a town she didn’t know. She had gone to the park and stayed on the round-a-bout for hours and when her mother came looking for her, she had spun while being called, her name being distorted at the same time. Just like now and all she could think about was the spinning of that round-a-bout.
“I get that, Emma, I really do, but I honestly think you need to go get checked.” Marcus chastised, looking his niece up and down, a frown curling his lips downwards.
Emma shook her head, freezing in doing so when it made her dizzy. She blinked several and took a couple breaths. The pain wasn’t as bad before, it was just a slight knock to the head, and she didn’t have as bad of injuries as she had thought in the dark. Even the punch she had taken didn’t leave much of a mark once the blood stopped coming out.
“I’m fine, Uncle Marcus. I really want to talk to you about Drake Caulderon. What he didn’t wasn’t right.”
Marcus Charmwood rubbed his face and sat on the edge of his desk, looking tired for wear. “And what do you expect me to do about it, Emma? It was wrong, I agree. And I will see to it that he gets a talking to, but that’s really all I can do.”
Emma stared at him in aghast, horrified by what her uncle had just said. “Talk to him? Are you serious?” she choked, her mind trying to wrap around what he was saying to her. “You should expel him for what he’d done!”
Her uncle’s face crossed with discomfort and he shifted in his spot on the desk, clearing his throat as he pretended to need to straighten out his suit jacket. “I can’t exactly do that, Emma. I will talk to him personally and let him know how serious this was to do, but otherwise it’s out of my hands.”