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Charmwood Academy Page 15

  He let her have led this time, his fingers clutching to hers, making her heart hammer at the grip he had on her. When they finally got to the end of the street, she slowed down and took in her bearings and pointed to a small park.

  “Wanna walk around?” She looked up at him curiously and when he nodded, she led the way to the sidewalk, noticing how he didn’t even try to let go of her hand.

  “So, how many boyfriends have you had?” He asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but the hint of curiosity wasn’t missed by Emma.

  Emma shrugged. “I kissed a guy once at coed party when I was thirteen. It was a spin-the-bottle game so I kinda had to. I still suspect I was only invited because her parents made the kid invite everyone in her class. Which included me at the time. Does that count?”

  He laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh,” she giggled. “Then I’ve not really had any.”

  “Hmm,” was all he said and pulled her to a bench, sitting her down with him next to her. “A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be without a boyfriend.” He commented, looking down at her.

  She blushed again; she could feel it on her cheeks. “We moved around too much for me to really get to know anyone.”

  He tilted his head, his eyes on hers. “You moving anytime soon again?”

  She shook her head and he leaned forward, her heart hammering in her ears at the closeness he was. Her palms grew sweaty again, but she held her spot, her head slightly tipping back so he could reach her lips a little easier.

  Familiar laughter reached their ears, breaking them apart as they were mere inches from sealing the kiss. They looked up to see Drake standing above a lump and a girl Emma strongly recognized but couldn’t pinpoint why, laughed above him, the shrill kind of laugh that made her nerves grind together and know she was only doing it to appease him. To get him to like her, her way of flirting.

  They stood up and walked towards the two and when getting close enough they saw that the lump was nothing more than a man. Not just any - the one from before, his cane lay strewn on the ground a few feet away. The man was curled up, trying to lick his private’s like a dog and the two above him were laughing hysterically, Drake’s eyes wide as he concentrated on making the man act like a dog.

  “Drake, knock it off.” Emma said loudly.

  Drake’s head snapped up, breaking the spell and the man went limp on the ground, nearly motionless besides the slow rise and fall of his chest to indicate he was still alive. “Oh look, it’s miss pansy.” He chuckled. “Got yourself a new toy then? Get tired of your pet already?”

  Emma sneered at him. “Shut up about Kelyn. Leave him alone.”

  “He’s a pathetic mundane. What, gonna keep this one as a pet as well?”

  “You know the rules, Caulderon.” Josh said loudly, his voice booming in command as he held out an arm, pushing Emma back and behind him.

  “I’m going to make him forget, don’t worry.” Drake snorted and looked down at the man.

  “You need to stop it, Drake!” Emma demanded, but her voice was more of a squeak compared to Josh’s.

  “Oh, is the little baby gonna make me? “Drake laughed, shaking his head. “Nothing but a coward you are, Charmwood. Can’t even do a simple spell.”

  Josh stepped forward, his hands flashing out and grabbed the collar of Drake, pulling him to his face. “You take that back about her.” He growled.

  “Oh, I was wrong, he’s your bodyguard.” Drake laughed and the girl followed in suit.

  Emma’s eyes flashed towards her, lips pursing together as she recognized one of Sherice’s followers. Drake couldn’t have Sherice, so he went for the circle, how typical.

  “Does Sherice know your here?” Emma said loudly and the girl’s face paled, her smile fading. A smug smirk crossed Emma’s face. “I didn’t think so. Shame if she found out.”

  “Leave her alone.” Drake snapped, shoving at Josh. “What’d she promises you? To get in her pants if you babysat her?”

  Josh twisted and threw Drake to the ground. He scrambled quickly to his feet and charged at Josh. Emma opened her mouth and screamed, sending a blast forward and the two flying apart from one another, slamming into the ground yards away from one another. Drake stumbled to his feet, eyes wide in horror but rushed at the girl he had brought and grabbed her arm, running off with her without a backwards glance. Emma felt herself twirl on her feet and be rushed off as well, a hand clamped around her wrist tightly, moving her forward quickly.


  Emma stumbled, his arms yanking her up when she nearly fell flat to her face on the gravel. Which would’ve scorned her badly from how fast they were running. Her side was pinching, breaths coming in gasps as he pulled her and then her back slammed again a wall, yellow dots flashing in front of her eyes. Her was spinning as her knees locked together. If it weren’t for the wall behind her, she would’ve fallen to the ground in her dizziness from the run. Josh stood inches from her, gasping for breath as well, his head bent as he struggled to grip himself together.

  “What-What the hell?” Emma gasped, sliding to the ground, gripping her side as a stitch locked her in pain.

  “You-you can’t- “he gasped, closing his eyes as he, too, collapsed to the ground. “You can’t do that.” He breathed, pressing his forehead into his knees. “You can’t do that.” He finally repeated, much calmer than before. “We can’t be seen doing magic.”

  Emma blinked furiously, trying to get those yellow dots to go away. “What’re you talking about? I didn’t do - “she paused and groaned, reaching up to pinch the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes. “Oh, I did, didn’t I?”

  “Mhm.” He nodded and moved to sit next to her, leaning his head back. “We are so screwed if somebody tells.” He groaned, his hand slipping down and gripped hers, fingers wrapping tightly hers.

  She groaned from his grip and looked up at him, seeing how pale his face was and she suspected it wasn’t from the running. His eyes were closed, mouth moving soundlessly, words being repeated in his mind. Her heart jumped into her throat at the sight. He had been so collected every time they saw each other, so determined to keep cool under any pressure. He was a broken mess now, looking as if he were falling apart at the seams.

  “Josh, what’s wrong?” She whispered, twisting her palm in his, squeezing lightly.

  He swallowed, turning to face her, opening his eyes. They watered, shimmering as he looked down at her. He opened his mouth, rethought his words and closed them again, shaking his head. He covered his face with his hands, leaning back into his knees. Emma reached over with her free hand, squeezing his forearm to tell him she was there, that he was safe with her. He slowly raised his head, sniveling and she saw the tears running down his cheeks, lips wobbling.

  “I’m sorry,” he gulped in a large breath of air, rubbing his face, shaking his head. “I - I just - you can’t do that Emma!”

  His harsh tone made her grimace and she drew in a sharp breath of air, biting the inside of her cheek. “I’m sorry.” She squeaked.

  He licked his lips, exhaling slowly as he shook his head. “No, no it’s okay. I’m sorry.” He apologized in a shaky voice. “I’m sorry.” He repeated and squeezed her hand back, leaning over to press his forehead against her, looking into her eyes.

  She reached up with the hand that had been holding his forearm, her thumb wiping at his cheeks, clearing his face of the traitorous emotions that gave him away. He leaned into her touch, halfway closing his eyes.

  “My mother died because she did that.” He whispered and had he not been right there in front of her, she probably wouldn’t have heard him speak. “I was seven. I got upset because she wouldn’t buy me some stupid toy. So, I ran out of the house, got hit by a car. I was dying, I was going to die.” He closed his eyes, lips wobbling once again. “The proper name is a norm - unmagical people. They saw her, we aren’t supposed to do magic in front of them. They saw her heal me, bring me back from death.” He let out a sob. “
You could’ve been seen, taken like her and burned at the stake! Just like she was!” He scolded, taking in a sharp breath, his breath rattling.

  “Hey,” She said softly, cupping his cheek. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere.” She wiped at his tears again. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I shouldn’t have fought with him.” He said softly, his voice slightly louder than before. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that and provoked you. What he said made me so angry though.”

  “Shhh, it’s okay.” She assured him, giving his hand a light squeeze. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” She whispered, searching his eyes, trying to get him to believe her.

  He tilted his head up slightly, nudging her nose with his so hers dipped slightly back and pressed his lips to hers. The tingle that vibrated when he simply touched her, exploded into a fit of fireworks. She gasped beneath his lips, pressing harder into his. She scooted towards him, trying to close the small gap between that was between them. Her fingers raced up the side of his face, curling into the strands of chestnut brown locks, pressing him closer into her. His free hand snakes around her back, pulling her closer in until their breasts met each other, no longer able to be pulled any closer. He suddenly pulled, gasping for breath, blinking furiously.

  “Well, that’s one way to stop blubbering like a fool.” He mumbled but chuckled lightly.

  Emma giggled, biting her bottom lip as she gasped for breath. “You aren’t a fool.” She commented, shaking her head. “Are you feeling better.”

  He nodded. “Much. Promise me something, Emma?”

  She nodded instantly. “Anything Josh.”

  “Don’t do magic in front of norms again.” He said sternly. “Don’t do it. Don’t make me lose you that way, understand me?”

  She blinked but nodded slowly in promise. “Okay.” She said softly. “I promise.”

  “You swear?” He pressed and then did one of the most childish things Emma had ever seen a teenager do but her heart melted as he lifted the smallest finger on his hand, holding it out to her. “Pinky promise me, Emma.”

  She linked her pinky with his quickly, looking him straight in the eye. “I swear, pinky promise.”

  He tugged at the hand he held, pulling her back to him and kissed her again, inciting another gasp as more fireworks exploded through her. This time, he reached up, entangling his fingers through her locks. When he pulled back for air, it was only inches away, not letting her escape his grasp and leaned his forehead against her, so their eyes looked into each other again.

  “You seriously have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” He murmured, grinning when she blushed. He ran his fingers down, tracing his thumb over her cheek.

  “I’ve been told they’re my father’s eyes.” She blurted, biting her lip at the embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from.” She mumbled.

  He laughed and pulled back. “It’s alright.” He said assuring. “You really don’t know anything about your father?”

  “Just the necklace my mother said he gave me and made me wear every day. It became natural after a while, a long time ago, I guess. I never took it off until the day she - “her voice choked, looking down at her hands. “I guess that’s what you and I have in common. We blame ourselves for our mother’s deaths.” She said sadly. “If I hadn’t taken my necklace off or even been at that stupid party, we wouldn’t have been in the wreck that killed her.”

  His fingers grazed over the top of her hand soothingly. “It’s alright.” He pulled her closer to him, their legs touching now and released her hand, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, where he pressed a kiss onto her head.

  She exhaled slowly, staring at the brick wall in front of them. “I get conflicted sometimes.” She admitted, the words rushing out before she could stop them. It felt far too good talking to somebody about her conflicted emotions that she couldn’t help herself. “I get angry at her for dying, for leaving me, but then I get angry because she had kept me away from this world. Then I’m okay with her having kept me away because I think if she had shown me this world, I would’ve ended up like Sherice or even maybe worse - I dunno. So, I guess I’m lucky that way. But she kept so much from me and I don’t know anything it frustrates me.” Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them away quickly. “People make fun of me for it, like I’m stupid or something and I’m not but I feel stupid because I just can’t grasp onto things and I don’t know why it’s so hard for me. Nothing makes sense to me. I’m trying so hard though, I really am.”

  His fingers cupped beneath her chin, lifting her head back so he could lean down and press her lips to hers again, but for a much smaller kiss this time. The nerves that had bundles in her stomach at talking about her mother flirted away and her shoulders relaxed, eyes dipping at the kiss. Suddenly, just as quickly as he had kissed her - he pulled away. Her tongue flicked over her lips, taking in his taste.

  “Trying is all that matters.” He smiled at her and leaned back, reaching down to grip her hand once again. “That’s all that matters. Screw those people, especially Sherice. They don’t matter.”

  Emma nodded and watched as he stood, stretching his arms and legs. He held out his hand and helped Emma stand up, stretching her own legs and arms.

  “You wanna stop by a shop or head back to school?”

  Emma glanced towards the alley entrance, chewing her bottom lip. “I guess we can go by the shops on the way. Stop at one if we decide to.” She suggested and he nodded, happy with her words.

  “That sounds good to me.” He pulled her forward, interlacing their fingers as he did so. “Let’s just hope we don’t run into Caulderon again. I’m not sure I can stop myself from breaking his nose or something else.” He half teased.

  She shook her head, scowling up at him, not finding his half joke even remotely funny. “Don’t joke like that. If you two fight again, I’ll do something again.” She warned, her tone bitter but making her point loud and clear.

  “Mm, feisty. I like it.” He teased and she giggled at it.

  As they reached the end of the road, he pulled her to a stop, yanking her around to face him, his hands gripping her shoulders. He bent his head to look directly into her eyes.

  “Don’t ever let norms see you.” He warned, his voice a hiss as he flickered his gaze over her shoulder. “They’re watching us, waiting for us to go back to the school. They don’t like us.”

  “A lot of people don’t like me. You get to used it.” She said softly, but eyes never strayed from whoever was behind her and she didn’t look over her shoulder. “Josh?” She asked after a moment and he pulled his gaze back to her. “Can we go now? Please?”

  He blinked and nodded, turning her abruptly and took her hand again, once more intertwining their fingers.

  Unable to help herself, Emma glanced over her shoulders. The group was watching them and as usual, people liked to whisper and gossip. Their fingers pointing at them, hiding behind their hands when they noticed her looking. She turned away from him, squeezing his hand to reassure herself that everything was alright.

  “Will you go out with me again? Even after nearly killing Caulderon?” He asked curiously when the castle came into view at the top of the hill.

  Emma looked up at him in surprise. “Why wouldn’t I?” She asked, her turn to sound curious. “Of course, I will.”

  He smiled down at her and squeezed her hand back, looking up as the castle loomed overhead. “Back to school.” He muttered beneath his breath.


  So, are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?

  Kelyn had asked a question she had no idea how to answer. Emma wanted to say yes, she wanted to label their relationship, but at the same time she didn’t. He hadn’t said what they were, and she knew better then to label without his affirmation of doing so. She didn’t need that kind of drama and besides, it was a lot easier just to just go with the flow. Especially since the days she didn’t sit next Josh
in the dining hall and was next to Kelyn, he didn’t follow. It confused her and slightly frustrated her. He was clearly into her, until it came to the fact with sitting next to Kelyn. Then she was pretty much nonexistent. That part unnerved her, but she let it slide.

  Sitting with him however entailed her to be basked in his light. Which was also different for her? When she was sitting next to him in his group of friends, she was actually treated like a person and the conversations she could join in on since she actually knew who they were talking about. As the weeks passed, it was easier to connect faces with names in their area; the mages. They talked about the same teachers she had, the same classes she had, and even knew spells she had been learning. At Kelyn’s table, she usually just ate and barely listened anymore. Despite the week’s molding into each and every day, she still had no clue who the shifters were talking about or some of the formations they spoke of - it boggled her mind and brought a different kind of frustration to her. She didn’t want to seem rude though, with the desire to sit next to Josh more than Kelyn. Mostly because she liked being next to him, but also because she really did enjoy being asked questions, she was learning answers to.

  She wasn’t sure why they treated her like a person (everyone else treated her like she was a plague and avoided her) but it was refreshing. Maybe it was because she and Josh were together or maybe they actually didn’t care who she was or who else she hung out with (she really believed it was the former reason) but whatever the reasoning, it felt good to finally be involved.

  And Sherice’s anger at her being with Josh, a guy that other girls (and most likely her to) swooned over and he had picked her. It thrilled her when she and Josh simply held hands when walking and Sherice passed, the anger clear in her face. The girl Drake had been with in town had been found out and was kicked from their group, graveling to the day for Sherice’s acceptance back, but as long as she was with Drake - the mean girl shut her out like she was nothing but a piece of trash. It didn’t help Drake was only stringing her along, the obviousness of him trying to make Sherice jealous was sickening. She ignored him as well, flirting with other guys and got infuriated by Emma’s relationship - or whatever it was. She even has the audacity at times to flaunt in front of Josh, which only made Emma smugger when he only batted his eyes at her, clearly not interested. And royally pissed her off. Emma and Kelyn would laugh about it later at one of their study sessions, going over the details on just how angry Sherice has gotten.