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Charmwood Academy Page 16

  With Kelyn’s private study sessions, Emma was starting to catch up a lot better than before. She was retaining everything and finally making progress on quizzes and tests. While they weren’t A plus material, at least she was no longer failing. Her first C on a quiz had her screaming in delight and actually running out of the classroom, to the delight of all her classmates but she didn’t even care. She had been so ecstatic at the highest grade she’d gotten since arriving, she went straight to Josh, jumping in joy. Next was Kelyn and she seriously couldn’t help but boast, waving it around. A C grade wasn’t the absolute best, but when it was the best you’ve gotten in months, it was a moment of joy you couldn’t help but boast about. Because it meant the progress was coming along, the fact that she was actually learning. It was showing. And even her uncle was happy about her when she showed him at her following lessons.

  However, the paperwork was just the knowledge she needed to know. Doing the actual magic was a whole different story. While she could do somewhat magic as she had found out the day in the town, she hadn’t been able to replicate much else. It wasn’t easy to control, no matter how hard she tried. That wasn’t something she could boast about. While a decent grade on a piece of paper lightened her mood, the obviousness of not being able to properly do the magic dampened it every time. She tried not to think about it, but it wasn’t exactly easy when everyone was doing magic around her. Stifled by the fact Emma was in a relationship (or whatever it was called) Sherice made up for it by rubbing her ability to do magic in Emma’s face. She never missed an opportunity to do so and since she had started hanging out with Josh almost every day possible, the girl was more determined than ever before to make her life a living hell. Maybe it was also because Emma has broken her nose, who knew. Whatever the reason, Sherice was a near nightmare to be around. Thank heavens they didn’t share a dorm room.

  And the most frustrating part of her lessons was the fact that her uncle refused to talk about her mother. Whenever Emma would bring her up in hopes he’d tell her things she didn’t know (mostly things about her school life and why she had run away) but got nowhere except a door slammed in her face. Figuratively of course. Her uncle refused to talk about her mother, skirting around the subject like it was taboo or something. It angered Emma, because it just wasn’t fair, he didn’t talk about her. It wasn’t right. She deserved answers and he was the only one who could give them to her, and he refused to. Who did that? Oh right, her uncle!

  The one who she was now going to see for yet another lesson where near the end, she would ask a question about her mother and he would shut her down so fast, she wouldn’t know what hither. As per usual. As her feet dragged through the door, ready for another disappointing lesson she wasn’t going to conquer with magic, and nothing new known about her mother - she stopped dead. Drake leaned against a desk, a smirk on his face with arm’s crossed. He looked pleased at the sight of horror on her face to see him.

  “Pleased to see me?” He teased, knowing full well she wasn’t.

  “Where’s my uncle?” She demanded, refusing to step off the threshold.

  “He got called out but didn’t want you to miss a lesson so asked me to step back in. He’ll be back before you know it. Might have to spend a couple lessons with me though. Shouldn’t to bad, considering our chemistry and all.” He snickered.

  She scowled. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, but I have no desire to be around you.” She took a reluctant step forward. “Let’s get this over with.”

  He stood straight, walking behind her and she stepped to the side, trying to keep distance between them as he closed the door. “Learn anything new?” He purred, going up behind her. “Need me to show you a new stance?”

  Her shoulders squared and she stepped to the side once again, gripping onto a desk as she stumbled against it in order to get away from him. “No thanks.”

  “Oh, come on, stop being so hard to get.” He stepped towards her, running his tongue over his lips. “You’re adorable when you play hard to get.”

  “I’m not playing. I don’t even know what you’re getting at.” She shook her head, gripping the desk behind her.

  He stepped closer to her, eyeing her hungrily, vividly reminding her of that first day in the dining hall. She bit the inside of her cheek, holding her feet to keep from running off. He was a creep; it was natural for him. All she had to do was wait the moment out and get on with their lessons.

  “I know what you’re doing with Hinley,” he went on, the smirk crossing his face once again. “You’re trying to make me jealous.”

  She rolled her eyes dramatically, crossing her arms. “Oh puh-lease.” She snorted. “Why would I make you jealous?”

  He gave a one-shoulder shrug and moved so quickly, she barely had time to blink before he was in her face. “I’m not with Sherice anymore you know, and I’ve asked around. You two haven’t labeled yourselves. You’re obviously holding out.” He growled. “For someone much better.”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “You’re full of yourself.”

  He grinned, taking it as a compliment instead of the scorned burn Emma had meant it to be. “You never took me up on a date. When’s it my turn?”

  She glared at him, pressing her lips at him as she leaned away from him, trying not to fall backwards over the desk.

  “You know, I was thinking I could give you extra lessons. To help better. It’s not really a secret you take private study sessions with that, that thing.” He snorted.

  Anger bubbled in her stomach as she realized he was clearly talking about Kelyn. Her teeth clenched together. “Oh yeah, we can totally do that.” She said in thick sarcasm, watching as he stepped forward. “When hell freezes over of course.”

  She shoved at him to get him away from her and his hand flashed up, fingers wrapping around her wrist. He yanked her up and smashed his lips to her. She gasped and jerked her head back, her free arm hurling backwards and flashed forward, slapping him across the face. Drake gasped in surprise, releasing her and stumbled back, holding his cheek.

  “What the hell?” He said loudly, his eyes wide, clearly shaken up.

  “You had no right to kiss me!”

  “You were flirting with me, bitch!”

  “Flirt with you? Why would I flirt with you?” She screamed, her hands trembling as she gathered her bag back up. “You’re a creep, don’t ever do that again.” She staggered towards the door and stopped with her hand on the knob, turning to glare at him. “You know what? Don’t ever come near me again either!”

  “Your lessons - “

  “I said don’t come near me ever again!” She shouted, her voice echoing in the room, bouncing off the corners and she pulled open the door.

  Emma stepped through, yanking it shut with a slam that rattled the window in it, her body visibly shaking. She glanced both ways, but finding each path empty, she took a rattling breath and took off down one way, not entirely paying attention to where she was going but desperate to put distance between her and Drake.

  She heard the slapping of feet beneath her, but her vision was blurry as she ducked her head, trying to get away. She heard her name be called but couldn’t pinpoint where it came from or even who at that, but she didn’t care, not right then anyways. The tears were threatening to escape, and she needed to get away before they did. Her name was called louder, it sounded like a male which only fueled her to go faster. She felt the slip of her bag and let it drop, barely taking notice of the small thud as it landed and ran as fast as she could, her heart hammering in her ears, blocking all other noise or voices. She pushed through the doors and jumped down the steps, barely landing when her feet took off again, her vision too blurry to see where she was headed, but it didn’t matter as her feet was now acting as her brain.


  As she rounded the building, for about the thousandth time (so she thought) Emma pulled to a stop, taking in a few breaths. She grabbed at her chest, feeling the rattling of her breath fro
m the jogging she had been doing for the last couple of hours to let off steam. It had worked, she barely felt even tingles of the anger from before sifting through her. The hooting of an owl drew her eyes upwards towards the dark expanse of trees. In the night, it was a mysterious world, the entrance blackened and beckoning to you. But her eyes barely noticed that mysterious entrance. Instead, it stopped on the eyes glinting at her. Familiar ones that swept a chill down her spine. This time instead of looking away, she stared at it, daring the crow to do something - anything at all. But it just sat, unblinking as it stared at her.

  “There you are,” a familiar voice huffed, sounding behind her.

  Emma jumped in surprise at the voice, eye contact with the crow breaking as she looked behind her as Josh stepped into the lowlight from the castle she had stopped under.

  “I’ve been looking for you for hours, Emma.” He scolded lightly, obviously upset she had gone missing. She turned to face him as he drew within arm’s length and stopped, crossing his arms over his chest. “You ran out of the school and then disappeared for hours. I’ve been searching everywhere for you. Where have you been?”

  Emma glanced around and shook her head, relieved that she was no longer in the spirits to cry and tears wouldn’t be her traitors this time. “I went for a run.”

  “A four hour run?” He cocked an eyebrow, looking displeased by her answer but sighed heavily when she nodded, reaching out to pull her to him.

  She laid her face into his chest, feeling his arms around her. “You had me worried sick.” He mumbled into her hair.

  She looked up at him, laying her chin on his chest. “You were?”

  He sighed and looked down at her, frowning. “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but you’ve got me all sorts of mixed up.” He chuckled lightly.

  She smiled lopsidedly up at him. “I can say the same for you.”

  He dipped his head, pressing his lips to hers and as was usual, her knees locked to keep her from falling to the ground. She could feel herself melting, her heart hammering in her chest, arms reaching up to wrap around his waist. When he pulled back, he kissed her forehead and then pulled back, intertwining their fingers.

  “Let’s get you to your dorm, shall we?”

  She nodded in a daze, gripping his hand. They walked slowly, taking their sweet time so as not to have to part ways too soon. When they got to the staircase leading up to the dorms, Josh pulled her to a stop, turning her to face him, his thumb caressing the back of her hand.

  “I don’t want to let you go.” He said softly, a near whisper as if their voices would disturb the sudden quiet that has enveloped around them.

  She bit her lip. “Spend the night with me then.” She half joked, her heart pattering at the idea of him actually sneaking into her room for a slumber party with only the two of them.

  He chuckled. “If only I could.” He mumbled, nuzzling her nose and her head tilted back to allow him to kiss her all over again.

  When they pulled back again, the words were like vomit - they just came spewing out. It didn’t feel right to hide it from him. Not if they were in some kind of relationship anyways. “Drake kissed me today and I slapped him for it.”

  He blinked. “Drake.... who?” He asked slowly, a slightly tilt to his words, something that sounded oddly close to a growl.

  She swallowed, biting her lip as she suddenly regretted telling him and shook his head. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter.” She said hastily.

  “Drake who?” He repeated, glowering down at her and her skipped a beat at the look.

  “Caulderon.” She said softly.

  He wrenched out of her grasp, taking a large step back. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

  He spun on his heel, but she reached out, grabbing hold of his arm. “Josh, wait. Come on, if you hurt him you could get expelled again.”

  He didn’t look at her, his fingers curled into a fist instead. “Let me go, Emma.” He growled and she felt him trembling beneath her. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

  “Josh, please. I told you so that jackass doesn’t go spouting about it, which he probably will, but at least you’ll know the truth. If you do something stupid and get kicked out, I’ll have to bust his ass all over again and probably get kicked out to, but we won’t be together. Is that what you want?”

  He tilted his head back, then turned to face her, anger blazing in his eyes. “He had no right.” He growled through clenched teeth.

  She reached up, cupping his cheek with one hand. “I know, I know he didn’t. What he did was wrong.”

  “You’re my girl.” He muttered, closing his eyes as he tried to gather himself together.

  Her heart fluttered at his words, but she didn’t say anything about it. She didn’t know if he was saying that to actually mean it or overprotectiveness because another guy kissed her, and it wouldn’t be repeated later on. Either way, it made her insides jump with joy, which she quickly squashed down to keep from showing on her face.

  “Fine, I won’t go kill him. But if I catch him alone and his nose somehow breaks, it wasn’t me.” He huffed, pulling back to cross his arms over his chest, pouting.

  She shook her head, but the smile that was the twitching the corners of her lips were threatening to give her away.

  “Thank you.” She puffed back, which incited a smile from him that he tried, and failed, to hide. “Now come on, you have to walk me to rest of the way to the common room and kiss me goodnight.”

  He groaned playfully, turning to roll his eyes dramatically. “So needy.” He whined but held out his arm for her to step into it, giggling. “What have I gotten myself into?” He feigned, shaking his head, kissing the top of her head.

  She laughed and playfully punched him in the side. “Shut up.” She stuck her tongue out at him, squealing in laughter when he pretended to bite at it.

  “Oof, so strong.” He gasped, pretending she had hurt him and put a hand to his side.

  Emma giggled, wrapping her arms around him gently. She buried her face into his arm and then released him to only take back his hand. “I can hurt you.” She teased, smirking up at him.

  He laughed and led her up the stairs, stopping in front of her designated door. He took her hands in his, putting his forehead to hers, silent for a moment as they stared at each other.

  “I wasn’t kidding, I’ll sneak you in for a sleep over.”

  He smiled crookedly, shaking his head slightly. “You were right, no more trouble right now. Especially with you just barely getting on track with things. Wouldn’t look good.” He mumbled, reaching up to tilt her head and kissed her lips hungrily.

  Her hands pulled at him, tugging him backwards with her as she fell against the wall, pulling her hands out of his as she reached up, curling her fingers into his hair. He let out a groan against her lips, pushing closer to her as their kiss deepened.

  With a moan of despair, he pulled away. “You can’t do that to me.” He warned, his bottom lip jutting out and then sighed. “You sleep well. I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast,” he paused before turning. “Sit with me for breakfast, please?”

  Emma nodded and grinned when he held his pinky up, reaching up to clasp it back. “I pinky promise.”

  “Good, I’ll see you in the morning.” He pecked a kiss to her forehead and left, stealing on more glance back at her before descending the stairs.

  She watched until he was out of sight, feeling empty when he could no longer be seen. She turned, pushing through the door and entered the common room. It was dark, no one was up or if they were, they weren’t hanging around in the common room. The door shut behind her and she moved towards her the stairs to her room, avoiding the pile of chairs that were in front of the fire pit that was only sparking embers now, dying to ashes. She pulled herself up the stairs, her legs feeling like jelly as she pulled them up, one by one. She held onto the wall, twisting around every corner up to her door. She pushes open the wooden door and slipped into her room.<
br />
  She barely had any energy left and there was no way she was going to be changing into her pajamas without it present. But knowing better then to skip normal routine, she pulled out a towel and her pajamas and went back down the stairs to go and take a shower.

  The water only made her more tired, her legs unable to keep herself up as she walked back to her room, dragging her feet beneath her. She now regretted running for as long as she did. Getting into her room, she fell flat on the bed.

  She couldn’t remember falling asleep, but apparently, she had as her vision was blurry when her eyes opened. She groaned, turning her head. She blinked rapidly, trying to figure out where she was and what had even woken her up. It took a minute before connected to the fact she was in her room, at the school, in the middle of the night - clad only in her pajamas. But what had her woken up was yet to be determined. She blinked furiously, shaking her head, trying to rid her mind of the sleep fog that riddled inside of it.

  “Hello?” She asked groggily and felt her body jolt.

  She blinked again, twisting her head as whispered filled her hearing. “Somebody there?” She asked sleepily, shaking her head again.

  But the fog just wasn’t leaving her mind. Hands pulled at her arms, yanking her from the bed. Her vision snapped into place and she turned her head, seeing the dark figures above her. Her mouth opened, but a hand clamped over her mouth, silencing her scream. She reached up, clawing out to try and grab at wherever was over her, but got nowhere. She twisted, legs kicking out as she gave a muffled scream. Her bed was suddenly no longer beneath her, only air before she was hurled downwards and slammed to the ground. She gasped for breath at the jolt, groaning. And gave a muffled scream when a pair of hands tugged her legs, dragging her forward.